Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
099: Don't Make these Fatal Interview Mistakes
I do a lot of interview coaching with my clients. In this podcast episode, I want to talk about the fatal ways in which candidates show up improperly for the job interview.
100: Episode #100 - A Centennial Celebration!
This week's episode is a trip down memory lane, with a look at how this podcast started, how it got to episode #100, and where we're going from here.
101: Volunteering as a Career Development Strategy
Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity where an individual or group provides services for no financial or social gain. Today, I want to talk about volunteering as a strategy for developing your career.
102: 15 Minutes a Day on LinkedIn Can Make All the Difference
As an entrepreneur, my goal on LinkedIn is to get clients – to be seen as the career management expert I am. In this podcast episode, I discuss the benefits of spending a few minutes on LinkedIn every day.
103: What's Really Going on with the Glass Ceiling
This episode is specifically for women and those who hire, train, coach, mentor, manage, or supervise them. And those who know women. So basically everybody.
104: Bull's Eye Thinking for Your Career
One of the topics I’ve talked about before on this podcast is the concept of the bull’s eye as it relates to your dream career. If you think of your career as a dart board, then all of the “suitable” jobs for you are somewhere on that dart board.
196: Are You Ready to Downshift Your Career? How to Make a Successful Transition (with Mark Danaher)
My guest this week is Mark Danaher, founder of Mark Danaher Training and Coaching. Mark and I discuss the seismic shift in people’s work because of the pandemic – especially the large number of people who are rethinking their career direction. Mark gives us the signs that you may be ready to make a career shift, as well as strategies to help you make that shift.
197: How to Manage People You Don't Manage (with Mark Herschberg)
My guest this week is Mark Herschberg, and we’re talking about How to Manage People You Don’t Manage. This is a particularly important topic in light of the changes we’re seeing as corporations respond to COVID. Mark talks about the unique challenges of managing people you don’t manage and gives us tips for leading by influence.
198: Career Clarity - What Are Your Non-Negotiables? (with Jeff Perry)
In this episode with guest Jeff Perry, we talk about making an intentional, rather than reactive, career transition. Jeff describes career clarity for us, how to determine our non-negotiables (what MUST be present in our career and job for satisfaction), and tools you can use to help find your own career clarity.
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