Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
322: How to Leverage Your Existing Network to Find a Job in a New Field or Industry
Two of the things I hear more frequently about networking is: “I don’t know very many people,” and “I only know peope in my job function/industry, and that’s no help to me because I want to pivot.” These people are missing the boat in that a) they know more people than they think they do, and b) the people they know also know people - not all of whom are in the same industry or job function.
300: 300 Episodes - Academy Awards for My Best Advice
I can’t believe this is episode #300! In honor, I am offering My Best Career Advice, Academy Award style, in each category I cover.
280: What You MUST Do in Your Job Search if You Are Pivoting Careers
Let’s start today’s topic with defining a career pivot, a career reinvention, and a two-step pivot, which achieves the same goal as a Career Reinvention but may allow you to stay at or near your current level. Then we’ll delve into what you need to actually do in your job search if you are pivoting careers.
121: Career Pivots and Reinvention
For those of you who were job searching when this all began, or those of you who will be job searching as a direct result of Virus Jail, you have some unprecedented challenges ahead. Unprecedented, but not insurmountable. In light of the New World Order, I want to talk about career pivots and reinvention.
133: Is Now the Perfect Time to Reinvent Your Career?
Today we’re focusing on the idea of career reinvention. We’ll discuss the pros and cons and then which steps may be helpful in this process once you make the decision that this is the right move for you.
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