Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
254: Humanizing the Remote Work Experience (with Amy Mednick)
My guest today is Dr. Amy Mednick, a New York City psychiatrist who specializes in the overlap between the humanities in neuroscience. Today, Amy and I talk about Zoom fatigue — what is it, why is it so prevalent, and the warning signs you want to pay attention to. We also talk about how to make Zoom meetings more humanizing if you are in charge.
181: Conquering COVID-Related Fatigue (with Jane Springer)
We’d love to think that everything is back to “normal,” and all our pandemic-related stresses and frustrations are behind us. THIS ISN’T TRUE. Whether we are dealing with returning to work, navigating a return to normal with our significant others or children, or rethinking our career path, many of use are still dealing with COVID-related fatigue. My return guest, Jane Springer, is a life and wellness coach. She and I discuss what we’re seeing with our clients and how we are helping them navigate the world in 2021.
199: Strategies to Alleviate Work-Related Stress and Fatigue (with Marina Kirik)
My guest today is Marina Kirik, and we’re talking about stress and fatigue around the changes to our work environments due to the pandemic. Marina explains some of the unique challenges of work-from-home, work-in-office, and hybrid arrangements, and gives us strategies for coping with the stress around each. Marina also shares ideas for keeping the healthy habits many of us have adopted during the pandemic as we return to work or see other changes in our work situations.
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