Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
353: Six Networking Strategies That Leverage What You’re Already Doing
Networking doesn’t have to be complicated, or cumbersome, or icky. When you do it the right way.
In this episode of The Exclusive Career Coach podcast, I give you 6 strategies for incorporating intentional networking into what you’re already doing - as well as 5 tools to make sure it actually happens.
340: How and Where to Integrate Networking Into Your Job Search Strategy
Networking is an essential part of an effective job search strategy. In this episode, I cover the benefits of networking, how to work a networking event, and how to steer the conversation during a one-on-one networking meeting. I also talk about how much networking you should be doing for your job search depending on your seniority level.
325: Know, Like, & Trust: A Sales Model for the Job Search
As a small business owner, I think a lot about the fact that a person has to know, like, and trust me in order to decide to work with me. This is applicable to job seekers as well- you are selling a product, and that product is YOU. In this episode, I break down know, like, and trust with tools and strategies to help you build a relationship with a potential buyer (an employer).
324: Finding a Part-Time Job as a Professional
There are two types of part-time work I talk about in this episode: Professional part-time jobs for people who want to pursue an opportunity within their career field, and part-time jobs for professionals. I talk about where to look for these jobs and give you several resources.
322: How to Leverage Your Existing Network to Find a Job in a New Field or Industry
Two of the things I hear more frequently about networking is: “I don’t know very many people,” and “I only know peope in my job function/industry, and that’s no help to me because I want to pivot.” These people are missing the boat in that a) they know more people than they think they do, and b) the people they know also know people - not all of whom are in the same industry or job function.
319: Building and Maintaining a Professional Network
Far too many people think of networking as useful only when they are looking for a new job. In this episode, I talk about how to make networking an ongoing professional activity - so that your network is active when you DO need it, and so you can help others in the meantime.
307: Developing Your Elevator Pitch
Today, we’re talking about how to develop your elevator pitch. This is your 15-to-30 second “commercial” about yourself, which you will need for use in a variety of settings, including:
-Introducing yourself at a networking meeting
-Selling yourself to a potential employer
-Selling yourself, your company, or your product/service to a potential customer
If you’re not familiar with the concept, the idea is that you could say your elevator pitch while going from one floor to the next on an elevator.
Elevator pitches come in a variety of shapes and sizes, depending on how you’re using them.
In this episode, I dig into Elevator Pitch do’s and don’ts, as well as 5 networking situations you may find yourself in and how to execute your Elevator Pitch in each.
301: Planning to Job Search This Year? Here’s What You Need to Know
If you are planning to job search this year, there are some important things to know, especially if you haven’t been in the job market for a while. I want to focus on 5 things I think are important for you to understand about the current job market and hiring process.
300: 300 Episodes - Academy Awards for My Best Advice
I can’t believe this is episode #300! In honor, I am offering My Best Career Advice, Academy Award style, in each category I cover.
258: How to Organize Your Job Search Time to Optimize Your Results
Today, we’re talking about organizing your job search. For some of you, this may be a foreign concept – why would I need organization to look at job boards? I just look at them and apply to as many jobs as I possibly can – right? Wrong. I’m not going to go into detail with specific job search strategies – I covered that in multiple other episodes. Rather, what I want to cover today is the structure of your job search…dedicating time for your job search and using that time to your best advantage.
251: What Type of Job Search Should You Launch?
Not all job searches should look alike — and the important thing is that you launch the type of job search that makes the most sense for you. Today, we’re breaking down passive and active job searching, and how to split up your time based on the time and urgency of your job search.
239: Prepping for the Final Hiring Push of the Year
The usual cadence of hiring is this: The biggest push of the year occurs mid-January through March; the second-biggest push occurs after Labor Day until early- to mid-November. So let’s go with there being one more chance to get hired in 2022. This episode will help you get in good job-searching shape for if you’ve been searching for a while, or even if you just started looking, by providing some active job search options you can throw into your search strategy.
004: The Hidden Job Market
The Hidden Job Market doesn’t mean employers are trying to hide from you. Instead, one of the best ways to expand your network is through LinkedIn. In this podcast episode, I explain how to utilize LinkedIn to expand your job network and connections.
011: How to Be ARFO
In today’s podcast episode, I share my top eight tips for being ARFO (Always Ready For Opportunity). When you’re ready for opportunity, you can take advantage of those opportunities when they come along.
014: The Opposite of Networking is NOT Working
Networking is a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest. In today’s podcast episode, I share my top six tips for how to successfully carry out the right networking skills and approach.
229: Best of The Exclusive Career Coach: 5 Ways Mind Drama Can Creep into Your Job Search (with guest Jane Springer)
This week I'm excited to share a "Best of the Exclusive Career Coach podcast" episode — I speak with life coach Jane Springer on the types of mind drama I hear from clients related to the current job market, their qualifications, themselves as human beings, their job search strategy, and their career focus.
030: Active vs. Passive Job Search Strategies
For many people, their entire job search strategy is looking at job boards. While this strategy is somewhat effective for entry-level positions, it is a dangerous habit to get in to. In today’s podcast episode, I go over the different strategies of active and passive job search, and discuss how some approaches might seem more appealing.
221: How to Get Noticed & Promoted While Working Remotely
Today, we’re talking about the unique challenges so many of you are facing as a direct result of the pandemic. Some of you continue to work from home, while others have returned 100% to the office. Still others have devised a hybrid model that combines the two. Specifically, I want to address the challenges of getting acknowledged for your contributions when you aren’t in the office every day – and how to set yourself up for promotions and new opportunities as a remote worker.
076: Strategies to Make the Most of LinkedIn
Today, I want to talk about strategies for making the most of LinkedIn. I’m going to focus on those of you who are job searching, but good networking is good networking…regardless of your end-goal.
078: Why is Networking So Stinkin' Important?
In today’s podcast episode, I want to address the WHY of networking…why is networking so very important?
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