Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
327: Tips for Cultivating Relationships with Recruiters
A best practice for your long-term career progression is to find best-fit recruiters and cultivate relationships with them over time. In this episode, I discuss the types of recruiters, how to begin a relationship on the right foot, and how to continue that relationship in a way that is mutually beneficial.
303: Frustrations Facing Job Candidates - How to Overcome
Today, we’re talking about the obstacles you may face if you are planning to job search this year. I’ve teased out six things you’ll want to take into consideration as you look for your next great role.
292: Pros and Cons of Using a Third-Party Recruiter
I get a lot of questions about using recruiters in my clients’ job search, so I wanted to dive into this topic and my perspective on the role of recruiters in your job search. Now, let’s dive into the vocabulary you should be aware of regarding recruiters, as well as the pros and cons, in my opinion, of choosing to navigate your job search this way.
242: How to Ask for Interview Feedback
Today’s episode is on how to ask for interview feedback. I hear from you about your frustration in not getting feedback from your job interviews. Without concrete information, you are left to make assumptions – and for some of you, that means you beat yourself up for your “failure.” The message I intend for you to hear in this episode is this: Waiting until after you’ve been eliminated as a candidate is too late to ask for feedback.
011: How to Be ARFO
In today’s podcast episode, I share my top eight tips for being ARFO (Always Ready For Opportunity). When you’re ready for opportunity, you can take advantage of those opportunities when they come along.
097: Should I Be Connecting with Recruiters?
People ask me if they should be connecting with recruiters as part of their job search strategy. There are two primary types of recruiters, with some other flavors thrown in the mix, that I talk more about in this podcast episode.
141: ARFO in the Time of COVID
A few years back I coined the term “ARFO” – Always Ready for Opportunity. It is the idea that you should always be prepared to have conversations about job opportunities…and that there are certain steps you want to take to be prepared for those conversations. Today we’ll talk about the importance of ARFO in the time of COVID.
147: What to Do When Recruiters Ghost You
For the uninitiated, ghosting means that someone has stopped responding to all communication from you. I got a lot of the information for this episode from an online article by Shireen Jaffer at Minutes. There are a few reasons why a company or recruiter might ghost you that have nothing to do with you. We’ll cover those, what you may have done, and what you can do to avoid this in the future.
160: LinkedIn Clinic for the Pandemic
Today I am giving you 5 action steps for LinkedIn. If you are happily employed right now, you can still get valuable takeaways from these clinics.
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