Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
315: Your Resume: What Belongs and What Should Go
What goes on your resume? What DOESN’T go on your resume? Where should various pieces of information go on our resume - if at all? I answer all these questions and more in this week’s episode.
314: The Resume Summary: What it is and how to write it
Your resume summary should be utilized to lay out your brand differentiators - what you bring to the table that no other candidate likely will. I see two primary problems with resumes that come across my desks: Either there is no branding at all, or the attempt at branding merely tells the reader that the candidate has the minimum ualifications expected of everyone they would even consider for the role.
313: What’s Going on With Those Companies That Offer “Free” Resume Reviews?
Over the years, a number of people have reached out to me with concerns about their resume - in some caes, resumes I wrote for them. They went to a website that offered a free resume critique and got back harsh criticism that worried them.
Do you really want AI to evaluate your resume - AI that was created for the express purpose of convincing you that you need that company’s resume services? And if you select a more human approach - how can you make sure the human evaluating your resume actually knows what they’re talking about?
In this episode of The Exclusive Career Coach podcast, I talk about three scenarios for getting a resume review - and how “free” isn’t free at all.
310: The Difference Between Job Duties and Achievements on Your Resume
Here’s what I see on almost every resume that comes my way: Either there isn’t an achievement in sight, or the few achievements that are there are mixed in with bulleted job duties - and they are weakly written. Job duties tell the employr WHAT yo did. Achievements, on the other hand, tell an emplyer HOW WELL you did your job.
287: How to Tailor Your Resume and Other Materials for a Specific Position
I think most people have gotten the memo that you are supposed to tailor your resume, cover letter, and any other materials to the position you are applying for. This tailoring, if done correctly, will greatly increase your chances of making it through the ATS – and compelling the human on the other end to want to interview you. I DON’T think most people know what tailoring actually means, so let’s dig into this today.
286: Should You Use AI to Create Your Resume?
There’s so much in the news about Artificial Intelligence (AI) replacing jobs. In the resume writing world, there is a widespread belief that is, unfortunately, being spread by some people who have created AI-based resume writing platforms they want you to purchase. I first want to start with how I have incorporated AI into my resume writing practice, then we will delve into ways you can DIY and outline when you should turn to a professional to write your resume.
284: Free Resources on exclusivecareercoaching.com
From time to time on this podcast, I will mention a free resource available to you via my website. Today, I thought I would go over all those resources for you. As a reminder, the URL is exclusivecareercoaching.com.
033: Resume Reconstruction Camp
Most resumes I see, from candidates at all stages in their career, are what I call “data sheets.” In today’s podcast episode, I share some of the common flaws when constructing a resume, and how to instead present your accomplishments in an effective manner.
095: Career Coaches and Resume Writers - How to Choose
I’m getting a lot of questions from people about how to navigate the sea of resume writers and career coaches out there. If I were you, I would be confused about whether I even needed a professional resume writer or a career coach
133: Is Now the Perfect Time to Reinvent Your Career?
Today we’re focusing on the idea of career reinvention. We’ll discuss the pros and cons and then which steps may be helpful in this process once you make the decision that this is the right move for you.
146: It's Not Your Resume...It's You
Okay…let me correct that title a bit. It very well MIGHT be your resume. Here’s how I know: In consults with prospective clients, I ask them if they are currently in a job search or just at the starting blocks. If they tell me they have been job searching, I ask them for these metrics: # of applications, # of interviews, & # of job offers. This information is invaluable because it gives me tremendous insight into where their problems might lie. Today, we will talk over some examples of how I use these metrics to help clients with job searching.
159: Resume Clinic for the Pandemic
Today I’ll be giving you a resume clinic. If you are happily employed right now, you can still get valuable takeaways from these clinics.
190: Should You Hire a Professional Resume Writer or Go it On Your Own? How to Decide
Today, I’m talking about whether you should hire a professional resume writer or DIY it. A disclaimer here: I believe EVERYONE would benefit from a professional resume writer. The question then becomes, is the cost worth it? Are the stakes high enough that I need a professional to help me be competitive?
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