Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
297: Do's and Don'ts of Interview Etiquette
Today, we’re covering interview etiquette — what to do, and what not to do. I’ve talked about several of these points on previous episodes, so I’m including links to those here.
263: Job Counteroffers: How and Why to Accept and Decline
Let me start by saying there are good reasons to accept a counteroffer from your current employer. However, if the ONLY reason you are even considering the counteroffer is because it pays more than the outside offer you’ve received, it’s probably the wrong move for you. What is a counteroffer? There are two possibilities that we’ll go over today, along with tools to evaluate an initial job offer, counteroffer strategies, and how to accept or decline an offer from your company or an outside company.
143: How to Handle Tough Career Conversations (Interview with AmyK Hutchens)
Today’s guest is AmyK Hutchens, and we’re talking about “How to Handle Tough Career Conversation.” AmyK covers how to handle three particularly challenging career conversations: the job interview, dealing with a difficult co-worker, & asking for a raise. AmyK also provides you with her three top tips for handling any tough career conversation you may face.
149: Salary Negotiations - 3 Important Numbers
I coach my clients on walking into the salary negotiation process with 3 numbers decided. In addition to talking about those numbers today, I’m also using the Forbes Article, “Are You Being Thorough in Your Salary Negotiations? The Complete Insider’s Checklist,” by Dawn Graham for additional information on salary negotiations.
172: Four Times When You Need a Mentor
Today’s episode is pulled heavily from the Real Simple article “4 Moments When You Need a Mentor” in the November 2020 issue by Ronnie Koenig. We will cover why having a mentor is important, the 4 moments when they are most helpful, and even the benefits of becoming a mentor yourself.
184: 7 Rules for Women Who Want to Make More Money (with Laura Browne)
Our topic today is 7 Raise Rules for Women Who Want to Make More Money, with Laura Browne. Men and women approach salary issues very differently, and Laura and I dive into these differences and how women can ask for what they want. Laura provides us with some of her best tips for asking for a raise and negotiating a salary and compensation package.
190: Should You Hire a Professional Resume Writer or Go it On Your Own? How to Decide
Today, I’m talking about whether you should hire a professional resume writer or DIY it. A disclaimer here: I believe EVERYONE would benefit from a professional resume writer. The question then becomes, is the cost worth it? Are the stakes high enough that I need a professional to help me be competitive?
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