Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
308: What is a “Dry Promotion” - and Should You Accept it?
First, a confession: When I started seeing articles and comments about “dry promotions,” I didn’t know what that was.
In case some of you are in that same boat, here’s a definition:
“A promotion without a salary increase.”
As American businesses seek innovative ways to cut costs in a tightening economy, employers may be enticed to promote employees but withhold a salary increase.
In this episode, I cover reasons why employers offer dry promotions and the upsides and downsides of accepting one. I also provide negotiation tips for getting something, if not pay.
303: Frustrations Facing Job Candidates - How to Overcome
Today, we’re talking about the obstacles you may face if you are planning to job search this year. I’ve teased out six things you’ll want to take into consideration as you look for your next great role.
300: 300 Episodes - Academy Awards for My Best Advice
I can’t believe this is episode #300! In honor, I am offering My Best Career Advice, Academy Award style, in each category I cover.
149: Salary Negotiations - 3 Important Numbers
I coach my clients on walking into the salary negotiation process with 3 numbers decided. In addition to talking about those numbers today, I’m also using the Forbes Article, “Are You Being Thorough in Your Salary Negotiations? The Complete Insider’s Checklist,” by Dawn Graham for additional information on salary negotiations.
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