Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
193: Why You Don't Need to Look for a New Job the Moment You Feel Underchallenged and Overlooked (with Dr. Nicole Tschierske)
My guest this week is Dr. Nicole Tschierske, and we are talking about how to infuse your current position with passion, excitement, and creativity - no matter what is happening in your company, with your boss, or in your personal life. We talk about the “grass is greener” concept that is so prevalent as we come out of the pandemic, how to decide if “hanging in there” a bit longer is the right move for you, and specific action steps you can take to stay motivated, productive, and challenged in your current role.
194: Startups Are a Different Breed. What to Expect if You Work at One (with Dave Fano)
My guest this week is Dave Fano, Founder and CEO of Teal, which provides people with tools, resources, and community for career management. We are talking about startups – how they are different, what to expect if you work at one, and how to transition back into a corporate environment. We also talk about the red flags – and “green flags” – to look for in evaluating a startup as a potential employer.
198: Career Clarity - What Are Your Non-Negotiables? (with Jeff Perry)
In this episode with guest Jeff Perry, we talk about making an intentional, rather than reactive, career transition. Jeff describes career clarity for us, how to determine our non-negotiables (what MUST be present in our career and job for satisfaction), and tools you can use to help find your own career clarity.
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